Thursday 23 October 2008

The End. And a New Beginning Maybe

Well it's been a long time since I wrote anything here. Time is always against me. Quite a bit has happened since April, some good, some not so good.
It's still not getting any quieter round here, that's for sure.
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who inspired me to start a journal.
I know I didn't keep it up for long. I should have made more of an effort I know. Maybe I will now in my new home!!!
Thanks to everyone who helped me with my graphics when I first started this journal. (smiling now as I remember trying to get the animation to work) I don't want to name names because I know I will miss someone out. But you know who you are.!! :)
To everyone who kept us in their thoughts and prayers when we needed it most. I really appreciated it.
This small journal has now migrated over to Blogspot. Not quite as I intended. I would have liked it to go to my archives, but no. It went to a new journal, so now I have 2 blogs with the same name. But it doesn't matter it's still with me and it's still my little bit of space, my memories and I wouldn't want to lose it.
I don't want to leave here. I like it here. I've met a lot of people I like here. But I've also found new friends over on Blogger.
Thanks also to AOHell. We have had a love/hate relationship. Without them I wouldn't have met all you wonderful people and all the new people I'm going to meet in my new home.
One other thing. I'm not going to let AOL delete this small space of mine. I won't give them the satisfaction. I created it. I will delete it myself, before the deadline.
How stupid to get upset over just words on a page and a few photos. I feel like I'm leaving home for good. My eyes are filled with tears. No-one has died for goodness sake.!!!!! Get a grip woman!!!
I am sad for the journals of departed friends which will be lost. I often go back to read their posts. I will miss that.
Well I seem to be rambling AGAIN. I seem to be doing a lot of that today.
Thanks again to everyone.

Sunday 27 April 2008

Adam is 8 Today


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Happy Birthday to Adam.
8 Today.
Today's the day.  Adam is 8.  Did you guess!!!  What gave it away.???
It seems like only yesterday he was born.  Time has flown.  Most of it in a blur.  A lot like today.!!!!
The day didn't start to well.  We had planned to spend the day in the garden or at the park.  It was pouring with rain when I got up. 
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Luckily by dinner time the sun was shining and it was quite warm.  We did spend most of the afternoon in the garden, playing swingball and football and stuff.  Even had the bikes out for a while.
Mark came over to give Adam his presents and cards.  Gail stayed at home as she was not too well, suffering from a throat infection.
Adam had a few presents.  A swingball, two music CD's.  A SpongeBob SquarePants movie.  He loves SpongeBob at the moment. A games set, with all different garden games in it. (Quoits, Frizbee, and one of those Velcro ball and mitt thingies.)  A secret journal with a lock, and a black page colouring/tracing pack  with special pens that write with different colours.
He didn't do too bad to say we don't have an extended family.
Adam is in bed now and asleep and I will not be far behind.
Take care everyone.  Hope you all had a lovely weekend too.
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Thursday 14 February 2008

It started as a bit of a laugh!!!!

I had a bit of a scare last night.
Well to be exact, Me and Laura had a bit of a scare.
What started out as a bit of a laugh, turned into something a bit more sinister.
In the light of a new day I still feel a bit nervy.
It has made me realize that having my personal details out in full view on the net, can make you a bit vulnerable.
So can using my name as my user name.
Maybe I should change a few things.
It all started last night about 6.30pm.
I had a text message on my mobile.
"Hi babe, I've got a new number."
I don't have anyone to call me babe, so I knew it was a wrong number.
I told Laura to text him back and tell him so.
We made a big mistake.!!!!
Thought we'd have a bit of a laugh.
"That's very interesting, but who are you??"  we put.
He came back with "Guess sexy"
I know, I know.!!  We should have stopped then.  We didn't.
We carried on for an hour.
We did at one point think it might be one of my lads having a bit of a joke.
Me and Laura were in hysterics, at one point.
This person said he was going to have a shower.  We asked him if he was playing with his rubber duckie.
I cringe now at some of the stuff we said.
Then he rang.
Oh God!  He actually rang.  More than once.
Laura answered.  She put on this foreign sounding voice. I was laughing in the background.  Laura said he was not.!!!  He sounded serious.!!!!
What were we thinking.  Playing a dangerous game with a complete stranger.
How old am I again!!!!
I asked him where did he get my number from.
He said he already knew it.  WTH.!!!
Was it someone I knew.????  Had I given someone my number.????
The last time he rang and started heavy breathing down the phone, we stopped it dead.  No more texting.  No more phoning.  How stupid were we.???
Suddenly an E-mail came through asking about one of our caravan's.
Too much of a coincidence.  We think so.
We advertise our caravans on a couple of websites.  My contact details are on there.
I think that's where he had my number from.
The way it was written, a mixture of capital letters and baby letters.  We knew it was him.
We had a name and a profile, although no details.
I did reply and gave him the prices and everything, just in case it was genuine.  Didn't want to be rude to a possible guest.  I signed it in Keith's name.  He couldn't reply then.
Everything has been quiet since.
Nothing this morning. No E-mails. Just 870 alerts.!!!  No text messages.
But it scared me so much I made sure our house was locked up tight last night.
I've learned my lesson.
Any more wrong numbers.  Ignore them.!!!!!
Take care.

Happy Valentines Day.


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Happy Valentines Day!

Wishing you all a great day and an even greater night today.

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A Million Pounds!!!

No, I haven't won the lottery!!!!!
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On Saturday we had a day out. 
That is Me, Keith and Adam had a day out.
Laura stayed at home because Ade was staying for the weekend.
While we were driving we were listening to Radio Shropshire. 
I love Radio Shropshire and it's the only radio station I listen to.
Except when I have Laura with me.  Laura loves Galaxy. Aaaaaaargh.  I hate it.
I always try to change the radio station without her knowing.!!!!
Anyway.  Saturday.  We were listening.
They were doing a phone in.
The question was,
"If someone offered you a million pounds what would be the one thing you couldn't do???"
People were saying the obvious things,
Bungee jumping.
Parachute jumping.
Pot holing.
One woman said she couldn't have her ears pierced.!!!  Because she couldn't bear having her ears touched at all by anyone.
A gamekeeper rung in and said that he couldn't bear to touch a frog or a toad.!!!
Going down in a submarine was someone else' choice. They didn't like the thought of all that water above them.
Swimming in the sea.
Going into the Channel Tunnel, for the same reason.
It started me thinking.  What would be the one thing I couldn't do for a million pounds, or as they say "For all the tea in China.""
I think for a million pounds you could probably do most things. 
I'm not sure I could do a bungee jump or a parachute jump.
I'm not sure I could pick up a spider with my bare hand either.
Daddy Long Legs.  I am petrified of those.
So come on.
What wouldn't you do if someone offered you a million pounds?????
Can't wait to hear your answers.
Have a great Thursday.
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Thursday 7 February 2008

Nice Matters Award

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I have been given this award by Pam of Almost 40!  Thank you so much Pam.

To say I was shocked and even a bit embarrassed to receive it is an understatement. I so don't deserve it.

But I was so pleased as well.!!!! :)  I went to bed with a smile.

Now I have to pass it on to seven other people. 

Now comes the hard bit. 

Everyone I would pick has already received an award.

So here goes.......

Jon of Lonestar Concerto. It made me smile just thinking about him. Jon always has a good story to tell and draws you in from the very first word.  I always know I will have a laugh when Jon's alert comes up.

Amy of On Our Own.  This is a private journal, but I'd like to give her this award because I think Amy does a good job with her kids under difficult circumstances sometimes, and I hope this will make her smile.

Leigh of Leigh's world.  I think Leigh is an inspiration to everyone. Leigh is to me anyway.!!! 

Paula of Pauline's Country Tales and other Thangs. I always enjoy reading about Paula's everyday happenings. Paula has been a bit under the weather recently, so I hope she is feeling much better. 

Deployment Journal. This person also has a positive approach under difficult circumstances and I just enjoy reading about Her and Baby and Hubby.

I would also like to give the Nice Matters Award to everyone who leaves a comment.  I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for all you "Nice" people out there.  

That's more than seven isn't it.????

What the heck.  I don't care.  Everyone deserves it I think.!!!!

Right.   I'm done.

Cup of tea for me I think.!!

Have a good Thursday.

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Sunday 27 January 2008

Doctors, and hospitals, and flooding.

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I can't believe it's been a week since I made an entry.
This last week has gone past in a flash.
I have been around though. 
I haven't caught up much on my alerts.  411 this morning I have.
I have enjoyed looking at all the entries for the photo shoot.  I have to say there are some beautiful places out there.
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Let's see if I can remember what we've been doing.
Adam has been to the nurse twice this week to have his hand dressed.  I was hoping they would leave it uncovered, but apparently it has to stay covered until it has healed.
Last night, somehow, he managed to make his hand bleed under the dressing.  Not sure how he did that as he was in bed at the time. 
Adam is going to school tomorrow after he's been to the nurse.  We'll see how he gets on.
I have a photo of his hand.  Sorry if you are having breakfast.  It's not that bad.
It has healed beautifully.
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Tuesday afternoon my neighbour rang to ask if I could look after her two children as she had a hospital appointment. 
Obviously I said I would. 
Adam spends a lot of time at their house and on many occasions has been invited to stay for tea. 
I knew she had broken her elbow, but didn't know she was on her own as her husband was away working in Holland.
She has been unable to drive and so her children have not been to school either.
Anyway I decided to take her to the hospital myself.
She had to return on Wednesday for physio, so I arranged to take her then as well.
This week she should be OK as her husband is returning home.
I will give her a ring though just to check.
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Our main road into town was closed for two days this week as the River Severn burst it's banks. 
Thursday me and Adam decided to go and have a look.  The flooding was the worst I have seen it around here.  The river has gone down a lot now though.  I'm glad to say.
The photos just do not show how bad it was.
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Friday it was Laura's turn at the hospital for a scan.  Thankfully everything looks OK.  She will however have to return in a few weeks.
Gosh!!! So much doom and gloom this morning.  I feel like Eastenders, very depressing.  Sorry for all you Eastenders fans out there.  Can you tell I don't watch Eastenders.????
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Keith, Adam and me went to a pantomime on Friday evening with a group from the village. 
It was Little Red Riding Hood. 
I think I can say that we all enjoyed it.
It was performed by a group of amateurs.  And I do not mean that to sound disrespectful. 
They did a magnificent job. 
This is a little theatre that has no funding other than donations. 
The performers are all volunteers.
This was the first time I had been, but I don't think it will be the last.!!!
Besides their ice-cream was delicious.prettyflowerzline.gif picture by MM7129
The weather this week has been horrible as usual.  Rain, rain, and more rain.  Icy mornings as well.  High winds that tried to rip my hair out.
But yesterday, Saturday, what a change.
It was quite warm.  That elusive orb, the Sun came out. 
I had forgotten what it looked like.
It shone all day.
Washing was blowing on the line for the first time in months.  Yeah!!!  I love to see washing blowing on the line.!!!
This morning looks a bit Blahhhh.  Still it is only 7.45am.  It has time to turn nice.prettyflowerzline.gif picture by MM7129
We still have sheep in the field.  I don't know what the lorry was doing, but I don't think it took any.  There are rams in there, so perhaps we may see lambs soon.  I hope so.  I love lambs!!!
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Well, I think that wraps it up for now.  I need more tea.
Have a great Sunday.
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